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Our Solution Design

Our Solution Design Criteria:

•environmentally friendly.

•Soluble in water

•cannot contain heavy metals

• financially viable


Our Solution Design:


We searched for some common-day products that contained the chemicals 

We identified food products - many of these food products that had these chemicals and were very cheap to get. 




  • Processed fruits and vegetables

  • Dairy and Grain Products 

  • Meat and other protein sources

  • Soybean Products

  • Sausage Casings

Procedure to test our solution design:


•10% of water is added to make it easier to blend the mixture evenly.

•10% of the chemical additives (e.g. GGBFS, cement, calcium oxide etc.) is added to bind the fine particles together to form bigger soil grains.

•Add water and chemical additives/polymers into marine clay in certain sequence while mixing.

•Physical means is used to blend, homogenize the mixture and granulate the product. 

•The product is left to harden till it reaches its optimum strength and moisture content.

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