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Analysis of our results

Strengths of our solution design:


•Food wastage is a big problem in Singapore. 786,000 tonnes of food was wasted in 2014, equivalent to the weight of 108 full load double-decker buses in a day

•All of our designs are food products, hence reusing the food wasted can save a lot of money

Weaknesses of our solution design:


•Food needs to be sorted out appropriately before mixing with the SCS

•If there is no food wastage, there will be a lack of materials to dry the SCS

•Food needs to be blended into liquid form, which may take time

•Mixture takes time to dry


However, besides this:


After the semi-finals, we realised that as these chemicals are part of food waste, which is biodegradeable, this solution design would be unreliable

Improvements we could have made:


•Blending process to turn solution into liquid form should be improved

•Different solutions can be blended together to maximize effectiveness

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